8 Glasses

You need 2.5 litres or 8 cups of water per day.

No, not quite.

Let us explain…

Given that during the January health push that we all feel the pressure of, water intake is one vital part of healthy body function. As many of us already know, we would die of dehydration before starvation, and consuming enough water every day helps keep our organs (including our skin) healthy.

So where did this 2.5 litre goal come from?

The US Food and Nutrition Board published this amount however, this INCLUDED the water you would be getting from food consumed. NOW DID WE ALL KNOW THAT?!

30% of our water should come from food, and 10% we actually make ourselves as a by-product of cells producing energy.

How much should I drink?

Doctors recommend that adults living a sedentary lifestyle in a temperate climate should drink 1.5 litres of water based drinks.

You loose water through sweat, urination and even vapour from your breath. So if you are exercising and sweating more, you should increase your uptake of water based drinks. The same goes for if you are unwell, vomiting, diarrhoea and during hot weather.

Our Brains

Tell us to increase by using the feeling of thirst so, drink when are thirsty! The exception to this one is the elderly as the brain centres for the thirst sensation slows and so do not feel thirst as much as the younger generations.


Yes we do need 2.5litres of water intake daily however, this is not what you should be drinking through a bottle or a cup. It is the total water you would consume in food aswel as water based drinks.


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